October 2024 Controlled Drug legislation round up
October saw several regulators globally updating controls, including the USA, Finland, Slovakia, UN, Norway and the EU publishing the results of a consultation.
For those who want more regular updates, all this information and much, much more is available from Controlled Substances Squared weekly legislation updates - in addition to being able to check the regulated status of all your chemicals whenever you want, simply by entering the chemical you want to check.
Below is a brief summary and highlights of some of the countries we monitor and encode in Controlled Substances Squared. The solution that allows you to easily and automatically check if your chemicals are regulated or controlled - even novel and propriatory chemicals
Due to the number and complexity of updates we can't include them all here, just a few of the highlights. Full details including all substances and legislation updates can be obtained by logging into Controlled Substances Squared at https://apps.scitegrity.com/
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has announced plans to schedule phenethyl bromide as a List 1 precursor. They are currently running a consultation to determine possible impact on business.
Comments must be submitted electronically or postmarked on or before November 27, 2024.
See https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2024-10-28/pdf/2024-24616.pdf for more information.
The DEA has also placed butonitazene, flunitazene, ethylphenidate and metodesnitazene including their isomers, esters, ethers, salts and salts of isomers, esters and ethers into Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. All three were previously placed into temporary control in Schedule I in 2022.
Scitegrity has recently added coverage of Norway to Controlled Substances Squared.
Since adding Norway, the Norwegian authorities have already updated the controlled lists several times. The most recent update adds Bromazolam (2-Fluorodeschloroketamine) as a Controlled Drug. Norway is also updating its precursors listings to match those within the EU.
This interesting document from the EU reports on a public consultation designed to gather stakeholder feedback on the functioning of the current EU rules and provisions for the control of trade and use of drug precursors and on possible options and measures to address challenges and shortcomings.
The consultation has now closed and the report focusses on the feedback received, but does not draw any firm conclusion on future regulatory steps.
23 substances that have been deemed important to be monitored as psychoactive substances banned from the consumer market have been scheduled.
19 of the substances have been notified to the European early warning system because their main purpose on the market is substance abuse.
This include 3,4-EtPV, 9-OH-HHC, ALEPH-2, Fluetonitazene, HHCP-O-acetate, 3-Me-PCE, 6-Methyldesnitroetonitazene, 3-Methyl-α-PHiP, N,N-Dimethylaminoetonitazene, N-Desethylprotonitazene, ∆-8-THCB, ∆-9-THCB, Δ-8-THCB-O-acetate, Δ-9-THCB-O-acetate, ∆-8-THC-C8, ∆-9-THC-C8, ∆-8-THCH, ∆-9-THCH, Δ-8-THC-O-acetate, Δ-9-THC-O-acetate, Δ-8-THCP-O-acetate, Δ-9-THCP-O-acetate and αMPip-isohexanophenone
A separate update also adds 8 further substances to the Annex 4 of the legislation ‘Government Decree (1130/2014) on psychoactive substances banned from the consumer market’; Etomethazene, Ethyleneoxynitazene (also currently classified as a Psychoactive Substance in Finnish legislation), Metonitazepine, N-Desethyletonitazene, N-Desethyl Isotonitazene, Protonitazepyne, 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (was previously controlled as a Psychoactive Substance in Finnish legislation) and Dipentylone (previously controlled as a Psychoactive Substance in Finnish legislation)
Slovakia has added 19 new substances to it Controlled Drug legislation and updated the naming of a further to in this recent update https://www.slov-lex.sk/pravne-predpisy/SK/ZZ/2024/246/20241101.html
Rotterdam Convention
Chlorpyrifos and Mercury have been added as Candidate chemicals that have been listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam convention. Chlorpyrifos is already banned in the EU, USA and UK. This addition to the Rotterdam Convention came at the request of the EU.
Do you want to be able to easily and automatically check if your chemicals are controlled and regulated - even for novel and propriatory chemicals - then you need Controlled Substances Squared.
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